New White Paper on Battery Repair Focuses on Economic Strategies

A circular battery economy is becoming a pressing issue due to the expected increase in electric vehicles on the roads by 2030. The repair and reuse of high-voltage batteries can make an important contribution, as explained in a new white paper from Leadec.

Legally enforced carbon footprint reduction

The new EU Battery Regulation (BATT2), which came into force in August 2023, is increasing the pressure on vehicle and battery manufacturers. From 2024, they will gradually be forced to reduce batteries’ carbon footprint. This can be achieved by extending the service life of the battery through repair and reuse and by increasing the proportion of recycled raw materials used in battery production.

Developing a repair and reuse strategy

In the white paper on “Lithium-Ion Battery Repair”, Leadec uses its own Battery Repair Center in Hoyerswerda, Germany, to show which damage modes there are, how the repair is carried out, and which requirements must be met with regard to safety, storage, and documentation. The white paper also sheds light on how a suitable repair and reuse strategy can be successfully established and how battery repair can be made more economical through greater industrialization.

Repairs can reduce costs by at least 30%

Leadec’s Battery Repair Center (BRC) has been repairing batteries of electric vans for an automobile manufacturer since September 2022. Defective batteries are delivered to Hoyerswerda from all over Europe. Once the battery has been collected from the vehicle repair shop, Leadec’s team has a maximum of 72 hours for incoming goods inspection, fault diagnosis, repair, end-of-line testing, and return transport. Complete documentation ensures that every vehicle owner receives their exact battery back. Compared to a new battery, repairs can reduce costs by 30 to 50 percent, depending on the model.

Pre-assembly, repair and dismantling

In 2019, Leadec started to set up its expert center for new battery-related services. The team provides services such as pre-assembly, repair, and dismantling, including logistics and storage. The BRC also has a climate chamber for large batteries.

The white paper is available for download on the Leadec website.


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