Samsung SDI Announces Capital Increase

Samsung SDI has announced a capital increase of approximately 1.38 billion US dollars. The move is aimed at strengthening the financial base for a number of strategic projects.

Joint venture with GM in the US

Part of the funds will be used for the previously announced joint venture with General Motors (GM). The plan is to build a battery plant in New Carlisle, Indiana, with an initial production capacity of 27 gigawatt-hours per year, which will be expandable to 36 gigawatt-hours. The plant will produce NCA-based prismatic nickel battery cells. At the time of the final announcement in August 2024, Samsung SDI put the total planned investment for the site at approximately 3.5 billion dollars. According to the companies, production is expected to start in 2027.

Construction of SSB pilot production

Samsung SDI also plans to expand its production capacity in Hungary. The company already operates a battery factory there, which started operations in 2017. Part of the funds are also expected to be used to set up solid-state battery (SSB) production lines in Korea.



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